Tuesday, August 31, 2010

setbacks and steps forward.

ah...technology. a blessing and a curse.

i haven't been keeping up with you guys
for so long because my Powerbook G4 has
been slowly doing a La Boheme and fading
fast on me..literally. The display screen
has glitched out, and so i had to get a
new Powerbook...which has been acting up.
i've cussed, gotten frustrated and found
myself in a low state.

but due to the greatness of daily blessings
that can even be found in the worst moments,
i'm encouraged by a couple of things. one
of them being, i got my first positive
correspondence from a bookstore today!! the
second thing is, i'm now planning out my
trips to DC and philly for performances
over the next two months. and mostly, even
with the PC troubles everything is still on
course with 'wife of the heart'. i'm just
thankful both for options and the fact that
i haven't totally flipped out!!

more news soon!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

wife of the heart...a little backstory.

(photo taken at topsail island, NC 8/4/10)

i've been working on this book for weeks and i have to
say, there's so much raw emotion every time i look at
these poems about...her. so much so that i've had to
step back at times and regain my composure. when you
are writing and sharing something personal, i don't care
what other folks say, it claws at you in spots you
thought you had protected. in spite of that though, i
think it's coming along real well.

'wife of the heart' is about someone who i've loved. and
in some respects, still do. it's a celebration of what
i shared with her and what she meant to me on all levels.
i actually had another piece with this title and i got to
calling her this from time to time. i was inspired by
kazuo koike's manga series 'samurai executioner' which
had a story that bore this title. i felt it was the best
way to honor what i felt for her while she was a great
part of my life.

i'll share more later on...back to the grind.

'lovestoned' second run now available!!!!

sorry it's been a while since posts but i've been extremely
busy(as a matter of fact i'm currently working outside of
home as i publish this post)but i wanted to share this great
news with you!!

is my first real-life, genuine self-published
book. this was a highlight of the summer of 2008 for me, for so
many reasons. i had always wanted to be published, and i've had
many people in my life who(lovingly)pestered me more than bill
collectors on red bull asking, 'so when are you coming out with a
book?' 'when is the book gonna be done?' and when i finally got
'lovestoned' out to the masses, the response was FANTASTIC!!! i
released it in august and by the end of november i essentially
sold out my first run.

being able to make this second run available to you means a lot.
if you already have a copy, that's great and i thank you once
again for your support. if you know anyone who you know will
simply love what 'lovestoned' is, then all you have to do is
give 'em this blog addy and they can order a copy(or three)from
me directly. all copies are $8 USD, with shipping and handling
to be determined depending on your location. email me directly
at infinitewords@yahoo.com and i promise to get back to you
promptly. with regards to payment, i accept checks, money orders,
and PayPal.

so spread the word!! and stay tuned for updates on my next book,
'wife of the heart'!!